Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jillian Michaels-Maximize Your Life Tour

Tonight I went to see Jillian Michaels at the Fabulous Fox in Atlanta. Got tickets over a month ago for $59 and ended up with 5th row seats. I wasn't sure of what to expect since she had posted on Facebook that it was an intimate experience (not sure how you do that with 1000+ people) and she delivered.

She started out the show with an overview of nutrition and I learned a lot about reading labels and the importance of eating organic. Her visuals were powerful and hit home. She then went on to explain things like heart rate, metabolism, etc and again I learned a lot. She went on to talk about exercise and the best way to go about it. She suggest circuit training using body weight for resistance rather than weight machines. I'm doing boot camp which is circuit training so I was happy to hear that I'm on the right track.

From there she went into the WHY you should lose weight and reach for your goals. She talked about how on the biggest loser she is so hard core and makes the contestants feel uncomfortable because no one wants to live in that uncomfortable state. It pushes them to move through it. Made sense the way she said it. And she also reminded us that no one is going to lay the things you want in life in your lap. We must continually strive to meet our own goals. We are our best advocate and our own worst enemy.

I left feeling empowered to make more informed decisions and that's what it's all about!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Beginning

I'm starting this blog at a turning point in my life that I want to share with others and look back on myself. I'm a wife, mother and step mom and I'm fat. I have been overweight pretty since my Sophomore year in college. Wow that was a long time ago! In December 2012 I felt awful. I had no idea about how to lose weight. Calories, yeah I have heard of those. Fat, YEP familiar with that word too. But how do I do this? How do I lose all this weight and make myself feel better? Because honestly I feel about as crappy as this fast food I'm putting in my system. SOOOO after having more than one friend who had great results with Advocare I started the 24 day challenge. I knew it wasn't going to be easy right at Christmas but I felt so bad I didn't feel like I could wait any longer. I finished my challenge down 12 pounds BUT the great part was that I felt better. I realized I could lose weight and it wasn't as out of reach as I thought.

The 24 Day Challenge
The first 11 days of the Advocare 24 day challenge are the "cleanse phase" which consists of a fiber drink which is honestly beyond gross. I couldn't drink it. I can't even drink OJ with pulp so as an alternative I was given an apple muffin recipe that I baked the fiber drink in. I ate 2 muffins on certain days for breakfast with a ton of water and made it work. You also take some probiotics and herbal cleanse pills. I was really worried about this part of the challenge since I suffer from diverticulitis (a colon issue) but it was very mild and didn't upset my system at all. First few days I felt a little bloated but other than that I was feeling good. Made it through that part of the challenge right in time for Christmas :-)

The Second portion of the challenge is the "Burn phase" where you start to really burn the fat. This part of the cleanse was super easy taking the vitamins and eating right and I kept on rockin. After 24 days I was down 12 pounds. Woo Hoo! This stuff really does work!

NOW WHAT? I no longer have instructions on what to do every day.....that's part of what made the challenge so easy for me! With the help of some friends I found an online app, myfitnesspal (my name is Jenngapeach in case you want to add me as a friend) that helped me keep up with how many calories I can take in. But I was still kind of  unsure about the whole calorie counting thing. I get that by moving I burn calories and by eating I take them in, but where should I be as far as how many to burn/take in? Myfitnesspal helped with that too! I played around and set a goal for myself and figured out how many calories I need to have per day to still lose weight.

The one thing about Advocare that I didn't like was the price. So genius that I am, I went to the vitamin shop. Picked up some vitamins that were similar to those included in the 24 day challenge burn phase and went on my way. Thought I was saving myself tons of money. But that just didn't work out. I didn't feel great. I was getting hungry during the day. I didn't have as much energy. I just didn't feel that great feeling. So I came off the hip and signed up to be an advocare distributor so I could get a discount. I bought the MNS Max 3 vitamins I had been using and kept it going. (These are still my fav and I can tell a big difference if I miss a day).

I have tons more to write but don't want my first post to be long and boring so until next time!